
data.misc is a directory of modules connecting wikirepo to corresponding Wikidata features for miscellaneous properties.

Modules included in wikirepo/data/misc follow, with full details of needed property parameters being shown in the linked source codes:

Country Abbreviation

Functions querying ‘P297’ (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code) information.

This property is used to derive abbreviations for countries.



wikirepo.data.misc.country_abbr.query_prop_data(dir_name=None, ents_dict=None, locations=None, depth=0, timespan=None, interval=None)[source]

Queries data for the module property for given location(s), depth, timespan and interval.

Sub-Country Abbreviation

Functions querying ‘P300’ (ISO 3166-2 code) information.

This property is used to derive abbreviations for country sub-regions.



wikirepo.data.misc.sub_country_abbr.query_prop_data(dir_name=None, ents_dict=None, locations=None, depth=0, timespan=None, interval=None)[source]

Queries data for the module property for given location(s), depth, timespan and interval.