Source code for wikirepo.utils


Utility functions for general operations.


from difflib import SequenceMatcher

[docs]def _make_var_list(var): """ Allows for a one line check for if a variable is a list. """ var_was_str = False if isinstance(var, str): var_was_str = True var = [var] return var, var_was_str
[docs]def _return_given_type(var, var_was_str): """ Allows for a one line return or list or string variables. """ if var_was_str: # Check if there's only one element. if len(var) == 1: return var[0] else: return var else: return var
[docs]def try_float(string): """Checks if a string is a float.""" try: return float(string) except: return string
[docs]def round_if_int(val): """Rounds off the decimal of a value if it is an integer float.""" if isinstance(val, float) and val.is_integer(): val = int(val) return val
[docs]def gen_list_of_lists(original_list, new_structure): """Generates a list of lists with a given structure from a given list.""" assert len(original_list) == sum( new_structure ), "The number of elements in the original list and desired structure don't match." return [ [original_list[i + sum(new_structure[:j])] for i in range(new_structure[j])] for j in range(len(new_structure)) ]
[docs]def check_str_similarity(str_1, str_2): """Checks the similarity of two strings.""" return SequenceMatcher(None, str_1, str_2).ratio()
[docs]def check_str_args(arguments, valid_args): """ Checks whether a str argument is valid, and makes suggestions if not. """ if isinstance(arguments, str): if arguments in valid_args: return arguments suggestions = [] for v in valid_args: similarity_score = round(check_str_similarity(str_1=arguments, str_2=v), 2) arg_and_score = (v, similarity_score) suggestions.append(arg_and_score) ordered_suggestions = sorted(suggestions, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) print(f"'{arguments}' is not a valid argument for the given function.") print(f"The closest valid options to '{arguments}' are:") for item in ordered_suggestions[:5]: print(item) raise ValueError("An invalid string has been passed.") elif isinstance(arguments, list): # Check arguments, and remove them if they're invalid. for a in arguments: check_str_args(arguments=a, valid_args=valid_args) return arguments