Source code for

Wiki Data Utilities

Utility functions for accessing and storing Wikidata information.


    EntitiesDict Class

from datetime import date, datetime

import numpy as np
from wikidata.client import Client
from wikirepo import utils
from import time_utils

client = Client()

[docs]def load_ent(ents_dict, pq_id): """ Loads an entity. """ if pq_id[0] == "Q": if pq_id not in ents_dict.keys(): check_in_ents_dict(ents_dict, pq_id) return ents_dict[pq_id] return client.get(pq_id, load=True).data
[docs]def check_in_ents_dict(ents_dict, qid): """ Checks an the provided entity dictionary and adds to it if not present. """ if ents_dict is not None and qid not in ents_dict.keys(): ents_dict[qid] = client.get(qid, load=True).data
[docs]def is_wd_id(var): """ Checks whether a variable is a Wikidata id. """ if var[0] == "Q" and var.split("Q")[1].isnumeric(): # check if it's a QID return True if var[0] == "P" and var.split("P")[1].isnumeric(): # check if it's a PID return True return False
[docs]def prop_has_many_entries(prop_ent): """ Check if a Wikidata entry has multiple values for a given property. """ try: prop_ent[1] return True except IndexError: return False
def print_not_available(ents_dict=None, qid=None, pid=None, extra_msg=""): """ Notify the user that a given property is not available for a given subject. """ print( f"{get_lbl(ents_dict, qid)} '{qid}' currently does not have the '{get_lbl(ents_dict, pid)}' property '{pid}'{extra_msg}." )
[docs]def get_lbl(ents_dict=None, pq_id=None): """ Gets an English label of a Wikidata entity. """ if ents_dict is None and pq_id is None: return try: return load_ent(ents_dict, pq_id)["labels"]["en"]["value"] except KeyError: return load_ent(ents_dict, pq_id)["labels"]["de"]["value"]
def get_prop(ents_dict, qid, pid): """ Gets property information from a Wikidata entity. """ check_in_ents_dict(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid) # checks for all further functions return ents_dict[qid]["claims"][pid]
[docs]def get_prop_id(ents_dict, qid, pid, i): """ Gets the qid of an indexed property label of a Wikidata entity. """ return get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid)[i]["mainsnak"]["datavalue"][ "value" ]["id"]
[docs]def get_prop_lbl(ents_dict, qid, pid, i): """ Gets a label of an indexed property label of a Wikidata entity. """ return get_lbl( ents_dict=ents_dict, pq_id=get_prop_id(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid, i=i), )
[docs]def get_prop_val(ents_dict, qid, pid, i, ignore_char=""): """ Gets a values of an indexed property label of a Wikidata entity. """ try: # Check to see if the value is a QID. val = get_lbl( ents_dict=ents_dict, pq_id=get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid)[i]["mainsnak"][ "datavalue" ]["value"]["id"], ).replace(ignore_char, "") return val except: pass try: val = get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid)[i]["mainsnak"][ "datavalue" ]["value"]["amount"].replace(ignore_char, "") try: return int(val) except: pass try: return float(val) except: return val except: pass try: val = get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid)[i]["mainsnak"][ "datavalue" ]["value"].replace(ignore_char, "") try: return int(val) except: pass try: return float(val) except: return val except: # Property has no datavalue at the given index. return np.nan
[docs]def prop_has_qualifiers(ents_dict, qid, pid, i): """ Checks if the property has qualifiers. """ return "qualifiers" in get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid)[i].keys()
[docs]def get_qualifiers(ents_dict, qid, pid, i): """ Gets the qualifiers of a property of a Wikidata entity. """ return get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid)[i]["qualifiers"]
[docs]def get_prop_qualifier_val(ents_dict, qid, pid, sub_pid, i, ignore_char=""): """ Gets a values of an indexed qualifier property label of a Wikidata entity. """ try: # Check to see if the value is a QID. val = get_lbl( ents_dict=ents_dict, pq_id=get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid)[i]["qualifiers"][ sub_pid ][0]["datavalue"]["value"]["id"], ).replace(ignore_char, "") return val except: pass try: val = get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid)[i]["qualifiers"][sub_pid][ 0 ]["datavalue"]["value"]["amount"].replace(ignore_char, "") try: return int(val) except: pass try: return float(val) except: return val except: pass try: val = get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid)[i]["qualifiers"][sub_pid][ 0 ]["datavalue"]["value"].replace(ignore_char, "") try: return int(val) except: pass try: return float(val) except: return val except: # Property has no datavalue at the given index. return np.nan
[docs]def get_val(ents_dict, qid, pid, sub_pid, i, ignore_char=""): """ Combines get_prop_val, get_prop_qualifier_val, and boolean assignment. """ if sub_pid == bool: return True elif isinstance(sub_pid, str): return get_prop_qualifier_val(ents_dict, qid, pid, sub_pid, i, ignore_char) else: return get_prop_val(ents_dict, qid, pid, i, ignore_char)
[docs]def get_prop_t(pid, i): """ Gets a value of 'P585' (point in time) from a Wikidata property. """ return pid[i]["qualifiers"]["P585"][0]["datavalue"]["value"]["time"]
[docs]def get_prop_start_t(pid, i): """ Gets a value of 'P580' (start time) from a Wikidata property. """ try: return pid[i]["qualifiers"]["P580"][0]["datavalue"]["value"]["time"] except: return
[docs]def get_prop_end_t(pid, i): """ Gets a value of 'P582' (end time) from a Wikidata property. """ try: return pid[i]["qualifiers"]["P582"][0]["datavalue"]["value"]["time"] except: return
[docs]def format_t(t): """ Formats the date strings of a Wikidata entry. """ if t is not None: return datetime.strptime(t[1:11].replace("-00", "-01"), "%Y-%m-%d").date() else: return t
[docs]def get_formatted_prop_t(ents_dict, qid, pid, i): """ Gets the formatted 'P585' (point in time) from a Wikidata property. """ return format_t(get_prop_t(get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid), i))
[docs]def get_formatted_prop_start_t(ents_dict, qid, pid, i): """ Gets the formatted 'P580' (start time) from a Wikidata property. """ return format_t( get_prop_start_t(get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid), i) )
[docs]def get_formatted_prop_end_t(ents_dict, qid, pid, i): """ Gets the formatted 'P582' (end time) from a Wikidata property. """ return format_t(get_prop_end_t(get_prop(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid), i))
[docs]def get_prop_timespan_intersection(ents_dict, qid, pid, i, timespan, interval): """ Combines get_formatted_prop_start_end_t and prop_start_end_to_timespan. """ included_times = time_utils.make_timespan(timespan=timespan, interval=interval) start_t = get_formatted_prop_start_t(ents_dict, qid, pid, i) end_t = get_formatted_prop_end_t(ents_dict, qid, pid, i) if interval is None and timespan is None: # We want the most recent data, so return the end date if it # exists, or today's date. if end_t is not None: return else: prop_t_intersection = [ time_utils.truncate_date(, interval="daily") ] else: if start_t != None and end_t != None: if all(start_t > t for t in included_times) or all( end_t < t for t in included_times ): return else: prop_t_intersection = [ t for t in included_times if t >= start_t and t <= end_t ] elif start_t != None: if all(start_t > t for t in included_times): return else: prop_t_intersection = [t for t in included_times if t >= start_t] elif end_t != None: if all(end_t < t for t in included_times): return else: prop_t_intersection = included_times try: prop_t_intersection = [ time_utils.truncate_date(t, interval=interval) for t in prop_t_intersection ] except: return return prop_t_intersection
[docs]def dir_to_topic_page(dir_name=None, ents_dict=None, qid=None): """ Allows for the checking of subject entities for a given QID. Parameters ---------- dir_name : str (default=None) The name of the directory within ents_dict : wd_utils.EntitiesDict (default=None) A dictionary with keys being Wikidata QIDs and values being their entities. qid : str (default=None) Wikidata QID for a location. Returns ------- topic_qid or None : str or None The qid for an existing topic for the location or None to cancel later steps. """ # Needs sub-topics for other wikirepo directories. name_to_topic_pid_dict = {"economic": "P8744", "geographic": "P2633"} if dir_name in name_to_topic_pid_dict: topic_pid = name_to_topic_pid_dict[dir_name] if topic_pid in load_ent(ents_dict, qid)["claims"].keys(): return get_prop_id(ents_dict, qid, topic_pid, i=0) else: return else: return
def check_for_pid_topic_page( dir_name=None, ents_dict=None, qid=None, orig_qid=None, pid=None, interval=None, timespan=None, vd_or_vdd="vd", ): """ Tries to find a topic-page for the topic of the current directory and return the needed variables. Parameters ---------- dir_name : str (default=None) The name of the directory within ents_dict : wd_utils.EntitiesDict (default=None) A dictionary with keys being Wikidata QIDs and values being their entities. qid : str (default=None) Wikidata QID for a location. orig_qid : str (default=None) Maintains the original QID for assignment if qid is changed to that of the topic-page. pid : str (default=None) The Wikidata property that is being queried. timespan : two element tuple or list : contains or tuple (default=None: (, A tuple or list that defines the start and end dates to be queried. Note 1: if True, then the full timespan from 1-1-1 to the current day will be queried. Note 2: passing a single entry will query for that date only. interval : str (default=None) The time interval over which queries will be made. Note 1: see data.time_utils for options. Note 2: if None, then only the most recent data will be queried. vd_or_vdd : str (default=vd) Whether the function is being called in val_dict or val_dict_dict. Note: this controls the depth of the returned placeholders. Returns ------- qid, orig_qid, t_p_d, skip_assignment : str, str, dict, bool Arguments necessary to derive if and how assignment should occur. """ topic_qid = dir_to_topic_page(dir_name, ents_dict, qid) t_p_d = {} skip_assignment = False if topic_qid != None and pid in load_ent(ents_dict, topic_qid)["claims"].keys(): # A sub-page for the location that has the property exists. # Save the original QID for assignment and replace with the topic page for access. orig_qid = qid qid = topic_qid else: print_not_available(ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=qid, pid=pid, extra_msg="") # Assign no date for on interval or the most recent time in the # timespan with np.nan as a placeholder. if interval is None and timespan is None: if vd_or_vdd == "vd": t_p_d = {"no date": np.nan} else: t_p_d = {"no date": {"no date": np.nan}} else: if vd_or_vdd == "vd": t_p_d = { time_utils.truncated_latest_date( timespan=timespan, interval=interval ): np.nan } else: t_p_d = { time_utils.truncated_latest_date( timespan=timespan, interval=interval ): {get_prop_val(ents_dict, qid, pid, i=0, ignore_char=""): np.nan} } skip_assignment = True return qid, orig_qid, t_p_d, skip_assignment
[docs]def t_to_prop_val_dict( dir_name=None, ents_dict=None, qids=None, pid=None, sub_pid=None, interval=None, timespan=None, ignore_char="", span=False, ): """ Gets a dictionary of property value(s) indexed by time(s) from a locational entity. Notes ----- Used to assign property values to a single column (values cannot have the same time value). Parameters ---------- dir_name : str (default=None) The name of the directory within ents_dict : wd_utils.EntitiesDict (default=None) A dictionary with keys being Wikidata QIDs and values being their entities. qids : str or list (contains strs) (default=None) Wikidata QIDs for locations. pid : str (default=None) The Wikidata property that is being queried. sub_pid : str (default=None) The Wikidata property that subsets time values. timespan : two element tuple or list : contains or tuple (default=None: (, A tuple or list that defines the start and end dates to be queried. Note 1: if True, then the full timespan from 1-1-1 to the current day will be queried. Note 2: passing a single entry will query for that date only. interval : str (default=None) The time interval over which queries will be made. Note 1: see data.time_utils for options. Note 2: if None, then only the most recent data will be queried. ignore_char : str (default='', no character to ignore) Characters in the output that should be ignored. span : bool (default=False) Whether to check for P580 'start time' and P582 'end time' to create spans. Returns ------- t_prop_dict : dict A dictionary of Wikidata properties indexed by their time. """ qids = utils._make_var_list(qids)[0] if interval != None: included_times = [ time_utils.truncate_date(t, interval=interval) for t in time_utils.make_timespan(timespan=timespan, interval=interval) ] else: # Triggers acceptance of a all values so that the most recent can be selected. included_times = None t_prop_dict = {} for q in qids: t_p_d = {} orig_qid = None skip_assignment = False if pid not in load_ent(ents_dict, q)["claims"].keys(): q, orig_qid, t_p_d, skip_assignment = check_for_pid_topic_page( dir_name=dir_name, ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=q, orig_qid=orig_qid, pid=pid, timespan=timespan, interval=interval, vd_or_vdd="vd", ) if skip_assignment == False: if span: for i in range(len(get_prop(ents_dict, q, pid))): prop_t_intersection = get_prop_timespan_intersection( ents_dict, q, pid, i, timespan, interval ) if prop_t_intersection != None: for t in prop_t_intersection: if t in t_p_d.keys(): t_p_d[t] = str(t_p_d[t]) t_p_d[t] += ", " + str( get_val(ents_dict, q, pid, sub_pid, i, ignore_char) ) else: t_p_d[t] = get_val( ents_dict, q, pid, sub_pid, i, ignore_char ) else: for i in range(len(get_prop(ents_dict, q, pid))): try: t = time_utils.truncate_date( get_formatted_prop_t(ents_dict, q, pid, i), interval=interval, ) except: if interval is None and timespan is None: t = "no date" else: # Assign the most recent time in the timespan. t = time_utils.truncated_latest_date( timespan=timespan, interval=interval ) if included_times is None or t in included_times: t_p_d[t] = get_val(ents_dict, q, pid, sub_pid, i, ignore_char) if orig_qid is None: t_prop_dict[q] = t_p_d else: t_prop_dict[orig_qid] = t_p_d return t_prop_dict
[docs]def t_to_prop_val_dict_dict( dir_name=None, ents_dict=None, qids=None, pid=None, sub_pid=None, interval=None, timespan=None, ignore_char="", span=False, ): """ Gets a dictionary of dictionaries of multiple property values that are indexed by time(s) from a locational entity. Notes ----- Used to assign property values to separate columns (values can have the same time value) Parameters ---------- dir_name : str (default=None) The name of the directory within ents_dict : wd_utils.EntitiesDict (default=None) A dictionary with keys being Wikidata QIDs and values being their entities. qids : str or list (contains strs) (default=None) Wikidata QIDs for locations. pid : str (default=None) The Wikidata property that is being queried. sub_pid : str (default=None) The Wikidata property that subsets time values. timespan : two element tuple or list : contains or tuple (default=None: (, A tuple or list that defines the start and end dates to be queried. Note 1: if True, then the full timespan from 1-1-1 to the current day will be queried. Note 2: passing a single entry will query for that date only. interval : str (default=None) The time interval over which queries will be made. Note 1: see data.time_utils for options. Note 2: if None, then only the most recent data will be queried. ignore_char : str (default='', no character to ignore) Characters in the output that should be ignored. span : bool (default=False) Whether to check for P580 'start time' and P582 'end time' to create spans. Returns ------- t_prop_dict : dict A dictionary of Wikidata properties indexed by their time. """ qids = utils._make_var_list(qids)[0] if interval is None: # Triggers acceptance of a all values so that the most recent can be selected. included_times = None else: included_times = [ time_utils.truncate_date(t, interval=interval) for t in time_utils.make_timespan(timespan=timespan, interval=interval) ] t_prop_dict = {} for q in qids: t_p_d = {} orig_qid = None skip_assignment = False if pid not in load_ent(ents_dict, q)["claims"].keys(): q, orig_qid, t_p_d, skip_assignment = check_for_pid_topic_page( dir_name=dir_name, ents_dict=ents_dict, qid=q, orig_qid=orig_qid, pid=pid, timespan=timespan, interval=interval, vd_or_vdd="vdd", ) if skip_assignment == False: if span: for i in range(len(get_prop(ents_dict, q, pid))): if "qualifiers" in get_prop(ents_dict, q, pid)[i].keys(): prop_t_intersection = get_prop_timespan_intersection( ents_dict, q, pid, i, timespan, interval ) else: prop_t_intersection = included_times if prop_t_intersection is not None: for t in prop_t_intersection: if t not in t_p_d.keys(): t_p_d[t] = {} t_p_d[t][ get_prop_val(ents_dict, q, pid, i, ignore_char) ] = get_val(ents_dict, q, pid, sub_pid, i, ignore_char) else: for i in range(len(get_prop(ents_dict, q, pid))): try: t = time_utils.truncate_date( get_formatted_prop_t(ents_dict, q, pid, i), interval=interval, ) except: if interval is None and timespan is None: t = "no date" else: # Assign the most recent time in the timespan. t = time_utils.truncated_latest_date( timespan=timespan, interval=interval ) if included_times is None or t in included_times: if t not in t_p_d.keys(): t_p_d[t] = {} t_p_d[t][ get_prop_val(ents_dict, q, pid, i, ignore_char) ] = get_val(ents_dict, q, pid, sub_pid, i, ignore_char) if orig_qid is None: t_prop_dict[q] = t_p_d else: t_prop_dict[orig_qid] = t_p_d return t_prop_dict
[docs]class EntitiesDict(dict): """ A dictionary for storing WikiData entities. Keywords are QIDs, and values are QID entities. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EntitiesDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return "%s" % self.__class__ def __str__(self): return """ The EntitiesDict class is meant to store WikiData entities. - Keys are QIDs - Values are QID entities Because of the potential size, print() has been disabled. All other dictionary methods are included, as well as: key_lbls - a list of labels of the QID keys _print - prints the full dictionary """ def key_lbls(self): """ Provides a list of the labels of all entities within the dictionary. """ return [get_lbl(ents_dict=self, pq_id=q) for q in self.keys()] def _print(self): """ Prints the full entities dictionary (not advisable). """ return {k: v for k, v in self.items()}